Monday, February 21, 2011


We took Shelley's suggestion; headed out to Santa Monica via bus on a cold and rainy day.  Lunch at Shutters on the Beach all but made up for the poor weather.  We returned to our "day room" at the Hilton in time to pack up again and head for the airport.  After spending the day in LA we were excited about finally taking the last leg of our long trip.  It was not to be; we did not take off until midnight---  landed in Sydney about 10  am with all bags intact and checked in to our beautiful hotel situated  on the harbour between the ferry terminal and the opera house.  We spent most of the morning on an opera house tour--what a fanatastic complex, actually two separate buildings, one for operas and one for concerts.  Then we took a sightseeing bus tour of the city, getting off at the Sydney Fish Market where we ate a fish lunch with a few dozen Japanese tourists who were all using chop sticks. This morning we watched the Queen Elizabeth--dock just across from oour hotel.  We are now waiting for the van to arrive to transport us to our all day excursion to the Hunter Valley with emphasis on wine tasting..


  1. Sounds great! Sorry jthe LA weather was so bad..what a bummer. Did you notice that I had spelled it Shudders? Sharon poimted that out to me. How funny! Pneumonia the train right now on the way to the citu to entertain clients at a Lady Gaga concert. Should be wild!

  2. BTW...that was posted by Shelley not Grace. I was apparently logged in as her since she likes to steal my phone. She would not be going to Gaga. It's all confusing I know, especially since Sharon is now also known as Maisy. LOL!

  3. It's Grace now. Mom, that sure was a lot of typos there. Anyway, sounds like a fun time! Can't wait to hear about Asia. Will you be staying in Australia for long? Will you be going to the outback or something?

  4. glad you are having a good time....uhh anna is sooooooo jealous that she isnt with you. she wants to go on a cruise again with the families before sissy goes to college. later will be acceptable as long as it is fun! i hope you continue to have a fabulous time. the weather is a high of....76!!!!!
    -anna elizabeth rawls

  5. BTW, I think what Sue meant to say is that SHE is soooooo jealous that she isn't with you. (Anna is her cover!)
