Saturday, April 2, 2011


Our first outing started with a trip around Hong Kong Harbour, a Chinese junk piloted by a lady captain.  On one side were small primitive fishing boats and on the other were million dollar yachts. As soon as we left the water we quickly learned that everything else is uphill as the island is quite mountainous.

A view of Hong Kong from the top, you can make out the skyscrapers in the spite of the smog.
The station

At the top
Going down the hill  --  backwards

Street view of escalator
  Another way of traveling up  is by escalator:  a 2 hour commute for some folks who want to avoid the congested streets.  One hitch:  you must walk down.

Check out the bamboo scaffolding; supposedly stronger than the traditional steel.  You see it everywhere as there is much construction here and in China.Then there was the city food and spice market where they sell everything and I mean everything.   When it comes to wholesale food, they dry it -- fish, herbs or whatever...yes even bats and probably other repulsive items I did not recognize.  People have a tradition of visiting this market at the beginning of each year and stocking up for 12 months.  Everything has a healthful purpose:  everything from promoting good eyesight to herbs or dried fish to prevent cancer. The Chinese will never become fat and in all of China we have never observed obesity.
These little squares sell for $1000 each  .
Considered a delicacy they are made from swallow nests containing the bird's saliva.

The bat tails are the best part & therefore protected from breakage.

1 comment:

  1. Okay that is disgusting. Don't eat bats. We are sitting on the tarmac at Newark after coming back to the gate when a passenger in first class threw up. We've been waking for the cleaning crew for an hour. Such a drag they could at least be giving out Bloody Marys. Loving your pictures! I'll take lots in Costa Rica. Glad Tom is better.
