Tuesday, March 8, 2011


8 yeaar old dancers greeting hotel arrivals.  Tom was amazed to see them so made up.
Arriving in Bali from the ship's tender required a force of resistance as the villagers were everywhere, dangling all sorts of souvenirs before us, to the point we almost lost sight of our guide. There were masks, necklaces and wood carvings of every variety.  Yes, even watches! The bike tour was amazing although I kept wondering where Julia Roberts found the flat terrain. The first hill seemed to be straight up and never-ending and the downward trek equally challenging.  Motorbikes, the main mode of travel, sped around us beeping their horns. Seems every family owns one of these and it was not unusual to find mom, dad and 2 little kids on one small bike. I kept in the middle as the last thing I wanted was to be last and get hit from behind.  Tom was on another tour so I was pleased to find so many considerate and helpful people traveling with me -- some with perhaps less experience than me,. I had a great time! Away from the dock the scenery was beautiful.  I was amazed at the primitive conditions:  an age old kitchen in a middle income family home that used a Coleman stove for cooking and a sink made of  primitive stone with no water suply.  I did spy a 5 gallon water jug for drinking.  Yet, there was a huge satellite dish, a modern television and one of the children wearing a spider man shirt.  Tom and I both visited a Hindu temple and were given  more history regarding the Hindu religion than we can possibly retain.
Bali is the only island out of the 17000 islands that comprise Indonesia that is 97% Hindu.  The majority of Indonesians are Muslim.  Apparently the hotels here are magnificant and the food certainly to my tastes......lots of satay.  I wish there had been more time on the island.

The dock reception ain Bali

Two of many bike stops:         Villager leading his farm animals AND

MA in a make-do sari in front of a Hindu Temple

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mom, Sorry I haven't responded to your blog in a while. I've been away and I lost the link to your blog and had to get home to my pc to find it.

    Your trip sounds amazing and crazy. I can't believe that my mom went biking in Bali. Where to next? I need to go revisit your itinerary.

    I just returned from North Carolina, supposedly to help Judy and Frank, but when I arrived, they told me that they didn't know why I was there. I couldn't believe it since Judy had been asking me to come down! Anyway, I think I helped her a little bit, mainly to think about what she needs to do. She has so much STUFF! For example, she has 5 salad spinners in case she needs to wash a lot of lettuce at one time. She has enough paper towels, saran wrap, toilet paper and baking soda to last for five years!

    I saw Sue and family last night. They even treated us to dinner and Meredith loaned me her car. Pretty nice, huh?

    Keep having fun!
