Friday, March 4, 2011


Darwin began as a rainy washout, leaving us with only a poor underwater picture of a huge crocodile and this poor little wallaby -- as soon as we prepared to leave, the sun appeared in all its glory.  But we did get to see a lot of the thriving city with an unemployment rate of just over 3% and construction everywhere. Now we head to Bali and MA's exciting tour on bicycle; however, two consecutive days at sea with all the many flavors of homemade ice cream available on the pool deck may do us both in.  Today lunch was hot dog/ bratwurst day with sauerkraut and hand made soft pretzels.  Ouch!!  They do feed us well.  Of course the menu also contained almost any variety of beer you could think of -- in addition to many varieties/labels we never heard of.  We have not found Kalik yet. -- Today the Sea of Timor is flat as a pancake, hardly a ripple to be seen.  No shipping in sight but we have seen a few flying fish for the first time, and this morning we passed a huge oil rig with a big natural gas flame blazing away.  From a distance we thought it was a ship on fire but saw that it was a rig as we got closer.  Have no idea how far out from land it was or how deep.  A very large barge was being towed toward it, presumably to get a load of crude.  Too far away to get a decent picture.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great...especially the beer and the ice cream. We're on our way back from VT. Had a great time staying with the Brand family at their rented ski house. Everyone skiied on Friday, but then it rained te rest of the time. The Robertsons were there too so the kids had a great time. Can't wait to hear about Bali.
