Saturday, March 12, 2011


Dockside dancers on arrival in Manila

Statue of MacArthur on Corregidor.

One of many cave/tunnel openings on Corregidor.

One of  the many side tunnels that
branched off the 836 ft long Malinta Tunnel on Corregidor that served as McArthur's headquarters duriing the seige and just prior to the fall of the island.

A cruise friend (USNA '68) at the place from which MacArthur left Corregidor for Australia, initially via PT boat then submarine.  Land in the background is Bataan  Peninsula, famous for the subsequent "death march."

Another of the side tunnels off the main Matlina Tunnel which was built in 1932
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Manila has many regular taxis and busses in addition to a batch of these multi-colored hop on/hop off things. . .

1 comment:

  1. Wow..Manila looks beautiful. Very cool. Can't wait to hear about China!
